Hello we are Jeanette Merilyn Melissa and Caroline from Cedar basketball.

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ralph emery

Grace Ang (bierry)!
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Image: fleshlystar

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
11:49:00 PM -


Monday, July 28, 2008
10:13:00 PM -

This post is specially for Grace Ng!

Just rly wna say a big thank you for your gift, i think it should mean quite alot to you. I was rly moved to tears, and i didnt see it coming! Thanks for being so sweet and for doing sth so so meaningful, for everyth.
I'll keep this short and sweet and i want you to know i rly appreciate whatever you've done.
&I believe today will be dearly remembered even as time goes by.
LOVE YOU! x infinity



the blog's kinda screwed i cant use my usual georgia font, change th font size, colour etc. :(

Friday, July 25, 2008
12:53:00 PM -

Wow. You are so fake, you might as well be a mannequin.

You really make me wonder how hypocritical people can get.


Thursday, July 24, 2008
7:47:00 PM -

I feel like a sick piece of shit. Falling sick's possibly one of the worst feelings to get. Nyeh. Woke up from ytd's nap, sensing the impending doom of the terrible sore throat. Hate it you know not! Must be eat too much caramel corn in class.

Felt like a blob of jelly injected with some deadly virus today, got worse as the day progressed. Wah, i think cwb execution was a total flop. How to score distinction for fnn, even if cwa seems not bad. Yeeeeee. :(

I swear, i felt like a hero when i made my way back home successfully. Like collapsed on the bed immediately. Felt damn groggy and so energy-less. My nose keeps running i'm so annoyed. Usually i'll rant bout how i feel like a piece of chicken nugget being baked under the hot sun on rly hot days, today i felt like an oven myself.

And the worst thing was, i forgot i'd confirmed tuition on thurs evening, which was just now. My sister came into the room and MERILYN! YOUR TUITION TEACHER IS HERE!!
I like jumped out of the bed immediately you know. :(
It'd be so mean to make her go home so i endured almost 2hours, but good thing is, i dont feel so jelly-ish after panadolllllll.

So here i am, just wanting to rant about how being sick sucks. Thank you for reading such an uninteresting post.

P.S. I'm supposed to finish editing research and dev. by tmr but possibility = zero.
P.P.S I dont wna wake up for school, but neither do i want to miss lessons. Can i go to school like during recess.

Byebye again,
merilyn the sick piece of shit.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
9:22:00 PM -

some things should just be left unsaid.

and i realise, if you dont help yourself, no one will.

cause very soon, you'll realise, you'll have no one left.

no one.

and seriously,

you're no one to h. no one.

Monday, July 21, 2008
10:57:00 PM -

Today equals happy plus not happy.

1. Shouldnt be here, but :(
2. RHD lacked the usual feeling, not an enjoyable one, i would say. The pictures dont make me excited at all. Felt ugly.
3. Was annoyed cos i woke up late, didnt get to pack stuffs i supposedly wanted to bring.
4. I am a short and fat ass. Teehee.
5. People can get really puzzling. Dont they?
6. I like clique times. Makes me happy.
7. Mr Bio, you'd better make yourself more lovable or i'd break up with you rly soon.
8. School's in, sucks.
9. My eyes're itching, i'd better wear my ugly specs or i'd go blind soon.
10. I wna skip chinese extra lesson in the name of watching match. Support also laaaaah! Wo bu shi mean person.
11. I'm gna bury myself in mathssss now.
12. Byebye.

Random but qualities in a guy that would make a great boyfriend all the more perfect
- sings well the voice makes you melt.
- eats alot and knows how to enjoy food. (not fiatfiat, though i'm fiatfiat)

merilyn: go do maths now!

6:11:00 PM -

I am in a clique-y mood!

I want to announce that I just got a new dog! :D yay yay yay, I'm so happy because she really is very cute. My dad didn't want her at first cause she was too expensive, he didn't wanna spend so much on another dog. My sister & I were quite disappointed but, he's the ATM right. So we went for CHMA, and I didn't think about the dog the whole night cause many many things were happening there. And then the father comes to pick us up, we drive home, and BAM, there's a new dog in the house. :D I love how he's an impulse buyer, teehee.

Anyways, her name is Aulait. It's french, and it's pronounced as 'ole', like the house. It's the name of a cafe or something, and she looks quite like Milo eh.

Okay, enough gawking at my dogS (heehee). Tomorrow the juniors are playing again, jiayou! :D Fight hard, y'll can do it. (:

RHD was quite okay.

I don't like it when things don't go my way; I don't like it when I start swearing. I am a romantic, because really, who doesn't want to believe in fairy tales and happy endings? I'm not looking for that anymore, I shouldn't have been in the first place, because I like this. Suddenly I realise that I seem to have to convince myself about this over and over again. Satisfied, I am; content, I am not. I want to thrash but it won't make much of a difference except to expose the fact that I am still bitter inside. I take things too seriously, I think. Okay I am working myself up into an emo mood, I should have exhausted that resource a long time ago. I shall stop, I am rambling. I don't like my thoughts.


Friday, July 18, 2008
11:35:00 PM -

Yay only thing to look forward is for tomorrow evening, quite excitingggggg!

Haha i'll just pray and leave it all to fate, yes? :)

so please don't, please don't, please don't,
there's no need to complicate,
Cause our time is short
This, this, this is our fate,
I'm yours

Love this song!

10:30:00 PM -

Because the distance is growing wider. You turn around and ask me 'What's going on?"
I'll tell you, why don't you ask yourself? Is there no way for things to go back to the past, like how it should? Is it possible.....?

I pause and ponder.

Melissa (Randomness)

Thursday, July 17, 2008
9:18:00 PM -

Hello babies, I feel like I haven't been in touch with the cyber world in yeaaars. And I haven't bathed yet, so gross. But I don't care, I feel like blogging. :D

I think the whole RHD thing is kind of annoying and extra, I don't feel like doing it already. Ahh, okay no cannot. EVERYBODY MUST COME VISIT THE 4C STALL OKAY. Please don't pon school, it's camwhore day anyways. heeeeheeee.

Yesterday was the funnest day I've had in a long long super duper mega long time. :D I love Cedar I don't wanna go I love our school spirit I love how we cheer our butts off for everybody and anybody I can't imagine going to a school that is not Cedar omg imagine putting on another uniform to go to school. )))))): I still remember being quite reluctant to come here in sec1 cause I didn't like Cedar Primary (that was before I found out we weren't affiliated) but choosing this school was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. :D



Wednesday, July 16, 2008
10:39:00 PM -

Okay my left eyelid has been twitching quite persistently since this afternoon and it's bothering me :'(
Came across a blog just now and here it says:
Treatment: Reduce your stress, get more sleep, nix the coffee, eat more bananas and B-complex pills. Throw in a couple of sugar pills for good measure.

Hmm am i stressed? Don't think so, life has been pretty smooth sailing of the late. Anxious, maybe.

Haha Ng teng says when it twitches, it means that someone is thinking of you. Hmm dream on!

I'm so proud to be Cedarian, the track & field athletes were amazing in their races and truly proved that they were assets to the school and really really brought Cedar to glory. In short, they were all cool on the track and really did shine. I cheered my lungs off today, but it was really worth it :) Respect to the athletes!

And Grace, I'm really proud of you! And to put things simply: I luv you!

Kinda disappointed today due to some reasons. I'm really starting to hate Facebook now. I'm starting to wonder if I'm being unrealistic and stupid for doing all that I am, now. Kw! Don't be confused, i'm sure things are not as ba as they seem yeah? I'll be here to listen to you! Geeeez beneath it all, I'm feeling a little down towards the end of the day and i can't deny. Anyway its close to 11 and I haven't bathe yet. Ha ha ha ha ha ok I shall go shower now and sleep.

And not think of anyone/thing.

Tell me, what else can I do?

Love, Mel

10:35:00 PM -

Ahh i feel like crying/screaming.
I feel like i'm so wasting my time blogging but i rly cant help it.

I'm in a rly bad mood tonight.

But Cedar Track&Field did so well i'm so proud of them, like bursting with pride you knw.
Grace! I LOVE YOU! I rly hope you're v happy today, i love love you alot.

I dont know, seeing ourselves cheer so so loud and pissing other schools off at the same time, how the crowd erupted when they announced results, it was rly show of love for school, like cedar is wonderful x10000000000000000. And how everyone gathered for mass billy banja no matter if we knew each other or not, i told myself i wna be a cedarian forever. Sounds so cheesy but true.

Apart from that, what made me rly happy was that the clique seriously got together and had fun together. It seems like such a long ago feeling, i miss it alot. Although there was no grace when we walked to the mrt :(, i felt so happy and high, sth i feel i havent felt in a rly long time. The people and the feelings. I love you all alot alot.

Everyth kinda turned sucky aft while, although nth much happened.
I think i get annoyed by things that most people wont be affected by, so i'm weird.
And i think i get affected quite easily when my friends face problems, though it's kinda like none of my business, directly.
I'm sorry for doing what i did, though it is a rly stupid thing.
I dont want today to end.

I guess it's emotions running wild again.
& my house quite noisy, i dont like.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008
10:54:00 PM -

Hey, i kinda wna put myself in your shoes,

It's kinda late for someone like me who hasnt started on any work, but i've stuffs yet again to get off my chest. Been sleeping rly late, i think it's getting quite bad, when i think that 12's when night just started and 1/2's the correct time for sleeping.
Feeling terribly lethargic during lessons these days, i dont like it at all. :(

I kinda realised recently that my posts may give others an impression that i'm a sad person.
Do they?
I feel the need to type out some stuffs when sadness/confusion sets in and i think that's why my posts dont always sound v happy.
And thing is, i find myself sad at times when i'm left alone, thus it's always at home, on my bed, the chair, anywhere, that i start to think and think what's bothering me.
And sometimes, i dont even know why i'm unhappy.
I asked Mel that day, and i think it rly made sense that i'm a person who is more unhappy than happy most of the time. Sure, there're still happy times.
Once away from friends, i think my mood swings a mighty lot. Nyeh.

I actually dont know where this post is getting to. I guess it's helping me clear my thoughts and confront some uncertainties within myself.
I think i may have a minor form of inferiority complex, i dont know, wtv.

I'm not sad, but i just feel troubled, tell me why?

I wna travel around the world now, and see all the different people and places.
I shall just let my imagination do the job.

I wna bake these pretty little things, i rly want to bake this weekend and i hope i will.
I wna get fondant and knead whatever that's making me feel like that away.

merilyn, who stupidly doest know exactly what's bothering her.

Monday, July 14, 2008
5:35:00 PM -

Hehehehohohoehoheoheheoeohoeho omg i can see the resemblance to _ somehow! (Btw, I'm really not into Taiwanese boybands..)

Ha ha I can't help but say again, that I look incredible tall here right? I look taller than Caroline & Ngteng & Charlotte etc etc. Looks can be deceiving, it seems because i'm at a 'towering height' of 1.62m? Like how C thought that I was like a lot taller than Kw, but when me and kw walked side by side we were the same height. Geee but I especially like this photo somehow, maybe becuase i'm sitting in the front row for the first time of my close to 10 years of schooling. Cooooooolio!

Oh ohhhhhhh! Wan jun, if you're reading this I got it from your xanga site hope you don't mind! Haha anyway this is our CCA and the past 4 years meant a lot to each and everyone of us. The friends I've made and the lessons I've learnt-priceless.

Poppppps & momzz (Taken exactly 1 year ago)
Hey hey i'm home from school! I'm freaking exhausted so like after this i'm gonna nap. Lotssssssssssa things for me to do today ok ok so i'm really going to stop procratinating lest I I die of stress and make this real quick. So here's a HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST DADDY on this special day 14th July :) (not like he's gonna read this but...) Dad thanks for raising me up to be who I am today, for your continous support on my decisions, your patience and most importanyly your love. I'm so proud to be your daughter :)

I should be concentrating on my work now but it's not that easy when there is so much occupying my brain right now. I think i have a perpetual :D :D :D face these days hahah.

Got this song on repeat today!

I get a high whenever you're around
Sweepin' from my head to my toes
I gotta get my feet back on the ground
'Cause you make me go out of my way
Crossing the line
Making me say
What I have in mind
You make me so excited
And I don't want to fight it
I start to blush
You are my sugar rush
Ain't nothing better, baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I start to blush
You are my sugar rush
Omg what the hell is wrong with Melissa Low.. I think for the past few days I have been possessed, my friends. Someone. please. turn. my. dream. to. reality. and. I. promise. to. stop.
Love you dadddddd, Mel

Sunday, July 13, 2008
11:17:00 PM -

helo greetings i feel like blogging today lolx.

dionne looks damn scary here wahlao.

she say look like gou zai dui. when i pai it myself. -.-

anw, now swtich to the hong kong me. i feel like blogging in canto today cause i feel so hong kong fied today.
dont bother readnig if you're not interested. LOL.

今日好鬼死开心,阿妈话15号book 机票返香港!! 好期待!!

我就终于可以同基仔,hocc 一起咯!

想返d 鸡尾包,猪肠粉,根本比不起li 到geh..

哇,超钟意hocc sweater~

好靓啊!! 买卖卖~




9:24:00 PM -

Haha phew i just reached home not long ago! Spent almost the entire day out with my family :) So we went to Somerset first to get a new phone for my bro and then we sat the flyer! Hahaha quite random but cause like mum's company had some subsidy or something. Photos are all in my dad's phone but i'll try to upload them soon! It was kinda cooooolio cause I confided alot to my brother..haha yup i'm sure he understands. Plus he even gave me some advice on what to do. Yuuuuum had seafood dinner at geylang it was goooooood, my brother's treat. Omg ii don;t really know how to blog or sthg. Anywayzzz yesterday was a almost-whole-day-out with Merilyn and Caroline :) It was madness, and we talked about quite a lot of stuff. And certain things that a particular person does that drives the both of us crazy omg the thought of the person makes me feel so disgusted Merilyn help!!! So you can imagine how dead i am because i've a bio ct and geog ct which i obviosuly had no time to study plus plus a little maths + zuowen (overdued). Howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww? Hahhha but apart from that, this weekend was really really great, i love. Cause i caught up with my closest friends and most imptly, my family. People, if you don't see me in school tomorrow you should know why. I dread school like djfhileruhtgjtnghfjljfhg.

Did i mention that my favourite alphabet out of the 26, was e?

Love, Mel

4:31:00 PM -

Tuition's over not long ago, and i feel pathetic cos my dad broke my specs by accident and one side is being scotch-taped on. Not very pathetic actually.
Anws i'm here to post bout yesterday! Firstly, sorry Jea cos the meetup was rly impromptu and we thought it was kinda rushed for you t make it! :/ We'll go out soon i hope!

Ahh but i had like one of the most relaxing and enjoyable times ytd. : )
So we met up at amk (haha) to supossedly try and do some work plus talk abt PEOPLE, dont tell you who. Caroline came down also and she tried to source for pastry margarine for cwb, which btw, reminds me i havent decide on my plan.
Aft she left we just went around talking and resorted to camwhoring arn amk lib hahaha. Cool okay, not much ppl. I swear, we took nicer pictures only after a thousand failed attempts. Like Melissa kept hovering around and each pic would have her blurry. And the faces just looked rly rly bad. :( Then the cam died. Sourced for batts, found an ulu and not bad place to take and right when th timer was starting she screamed cos like there was a major ant attack on her leg hahaha. Then we finally settled outside amk lib where the very first pic gave us a sweet taste of satisfaction. A first nice picture of the day, srsly!
Okay i find myself v noisy so i shall just shuddup alr.

It was rly goooood fun, i like. : )

You wont kill me right.

Wah i look disgusting, but wtv luh.

I look eeyur.

Mr Bicycle had a cameo appearance yay.

Shit luh, tmr means Monday, Monday means got sch, got sch means got bio, got bio means must stay back, must stay back for bio means i'm an unhappy kid. Yee.

I needa rush some work alr, see you (not) in sch tmr everyone.

Parveen, today's post quite happy right! :]

1:54:00 AM -

Hey i really had lotsa fun today, shall post more tmr!


Saturday, July 12, 2008
3:28:00 PM -

My new favourite nursery rhyme:

Itsy bitsy spider, went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun & dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again!



2:41:00 PM -

My nose is running so bad I think it's gonna fly off soon. I feel super contagious, I just sneezed like 3 times in a row. I never sneeze. I wanted to the whole day, you know the feeling when you really wanna sneeze but you just can't, I think that is the most annoying feeling in the world.

The more I don't come online, the more I don't feel like coming anymore. Like even switching the computer on is a chore, I guess that's good?

I think, I can quite guess what goes through your mind. Actually, I probably know it better than most. Okay it's not as if I know exactly how you feel, but from what I hear, it's not so different at all. Sometimes I wish I could tell you how this works, so you can see that you really don't know anything, and you're probably just gonna work yourself up to nothing. All in all I think I'd just say, it's not as pretty as it seems sometimes. And there's no need for you to feel that way. It's really quite lame actually, when you look back and think about it. Hahaha I like this paragraph because nobody in the world will guess who I'm talking about. :D

Sometimes, but only sometimes, I wonder how you feel about it. If it ever comes down to that.
I will never ever pick again, because I did once and look at the mud hole I ended up in. & maybe I just like the colour blue, so what. Orange too, but different wavelength altogether.

Which brings me to: I cannot stand physics anymore, or more like understand. Like electricity and induced what shit magnetism LIKE WOULD I SERIOUSLY NEED IT FOR ANY PURPOSES OTHER THAN PASSING MY EXAM. I really feel like giving up on it and concentrating on just bio and chem because they make much more sense than whatever left or right hand rule.

Rehearsals for Leader's Invest was so much more fun that the actual thing itself because we ended up crapping on the stairs and hiding under the tree with the sharp leaves. And running from the shade into the sun back into the shade again about 672570 times. The song was nice too luh, but Time Of My Life would've been alot better and not only cause it's by David Cook. But overall, rehearsals were more emotional, I think.

Okay bye.


Monday, July 7, 2008
11:13:00 PM -

i dread school. )):

some eyd photos..

sexy sia


censored my kanasai face too horrible to be shown.

oh and annoying water guns. haha quite fun tho

now some HOCC photos! <3333

so chock

so chio

baby denise

chockenss ultimate.


cant wait to go back hong kong